Development (Impact) Fees – July 2008 — Getting It Right – Part 3. This article is provided to help the development community understand our state law and get involved in their municipality’s development fee process to facilitate “getting it right”, and taking action when the municipality is “getting it wrong”.
Development (Impact) Fees – May 2008 — Getting It Right – Part 2. The second of 3 articles about development/impact fees, and the concept of “service area” in which landowners must pay for the benefits of the improvements within the specific area “impacted”.
Development (Impact) Fees – April 2008 — Getting It Right – Part 1. The first of 3 articles about development/impact fees, discussing the philosophy behind the fees, and items for which the fees could be assessed.
Development (Impact) Fees – December 2006 — Often Misunderstood and Always Controversial. EVP & CEO Jack Milarch relates why an understanding of New Mexico’s Development Fees Act is necessary for local HBAs and members to participate in the process at the local level.
Executive Officer Robyne Beaubien Phone: 575-762-4342
BCAOC Application for Membership
Executive Officer Tiffany Thompson Phone: Cell: 575-491-2901
Executive Officer Taryn Benavidez Phone: 575-973-5338
Las Cruces HBA
Executive Officer Nicole (Black) Perez Phone: 575-526-6126 Cell: 575-993-9288
SWNMHBA-Member-Application-2024 ver 0
Executive Officer Jill Thomison Phone: 575-574-2523
2021 New Member Enrollment Form